
Episode 166: Preparing the Pantry for Summer

Today we will talk about the annual process of preparing for summer in the pantry. You see, we are moving from eating what we have stored in large part to eating fresh foods and storing the excess and with that comes the need to audit, reorganize and plan for the coming year.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with? (on Instagram: @nicolesauce1)

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Stump the Sauce

  • From Angela: Do you grow lettuces from seeds or seedlings
  • Event stock 

Getting the Gardens Ready

  • Too many plants – need to get my dutch pots built
  • Transition from cool weather plants to warm weather plants
  • Harvesting every other day or so
  • Battle of the weeds begins

Main topic of the Show: Preparing the Pantry for Summer


  1. Audit what it where
  2. Remove and deep clean section by section
  3. Move old to the “use it first” section, put empty jars in the add new canned goods section
  4. Freezer management: (Challenge every year)
  5. Assess if we used things at the same rate as we usually do
  6. Fast track 2 year old jars and/or meats by moving to the kitchen freezer

Make it a great week!

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja
