We look forward to getting you on your way to obtaining your Technician ticket.
The class will be very fast paced and is a review of the question pool, with a testing session directly following. Although we make no guarantees, If you have done your part by going through the study guide and used the Hamstudy.org app to check your progress your chances of passing the exam are extremely high.
Please insure you have completed all of the following prior to the class.
!. Obtain your FRN. This can be done by registering at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do
You must have your FRN to complete the next step.
2. Sign up and pay for your Exam. ($10) This will trigger your registration for the class.
3. Begin reviewing the study guide sent with this document.
4. Download and use the Hamstudy.org app to evaluate your progress.
The day of the class, please arrive on time as we will begin at 0800 with or without your presence due to the amount of material to be covered. We will break for a 30 minute lunch. We highly recommend bringing your lunch with you. Class will end at 1500 (3 pm) with Testing beginning promptly at 1530 (3:30pm).
Date: 13 July 2024
Location: 210 Rotary Centennial Dr.
Cookeville, Tennessee 38501
Contact Randy Bolin 901-800-0550 or email WN4RC@pm.me for any more information or questions.