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Today we talk about changing our approach to sheep, mindset in assessing homestead finances, egg influx, the power of community and more.

Featured event: Last change for early bird pricing: 

Sponsor 1:

: 400;”>Sponsor 2: Mastersingers of Cookeville Unity in the Community Concert Sunday at 3pm, 


  • Stinging nettle
  • Dandelion
  • No mushrooms this week but morel season is upon us


  • The priority talk
  • The ram decision
  • Catching the baby ram
  • 5 eggs a day on the ducks and 4 a day on the chickens
  • Time to reset the coop


  • Seedling shelves are in – seedlings are not
  • Peas have not yet germinated
  • Swiss chard is starting to come on
  • IMO week

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Chasing sheep as a neighborhood activity
  • Community connections through MAGS
  • 1 Million Satoshi give Away


  • Fence Posts and Fencing
  • Pond fencing
  • Failed dishwasher and repairing vs replacing


  • Currently measuring in terms of not needing to buy food rather than generation profit

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



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Today, we help Ken Eash find ways to accelerate his coaching business. This is a flash mob of the best kind and YOU may be the key to it all.

Featured Event: March 2 in Crossville, TN $25

Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast: 

Sponsor 2: code LFTN

About the Accelerator Program:

Apply to be accelerated:

The Experts

Shawn Mills, Hack My Homestead 

Toolman Tim Cook: 

Nicole Sauce: 

Show Resources

Find Ken Eash:

A brainstorm discussion with Ken as he developes the next phase of his business

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



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Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and members of our community and beyond about building the life you choose, current events, building a durable life, community development, business, getting started, health and more. 

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,


Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee 



Main content of the sho

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




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Today we talk about what you can do now to get your garden beds ready for spring planting, even though you procrastinated til late winter on setting them up. We will also cover Tales From The Prepper Pantry, The Weekly Shopping Report, A Frugality Tip, Operation Independence.

From the Weekly Mail. Livestream Schedule

🎙️ Monday, 2pm, Late Winter Garden Preparation

🎙️ Tuesday, 12:30pm, Tuesday Live with Wazoo Gear Company, and John Willis, Special Operations Equipment

🎙️ Wednesday, 2:00pm, Accelerator for Ken Eash!

🎙️ Thursday, 7:00pm, Three Sisters Live

🎙️ Friday, 9:30am CT: Homestead Happenings with the Tactical Redneck

Featured Event: Early Bird Is Almost Over for The Self Reliance Festival!

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Fresh sprouts in four or five days 
  • Refining what I store since the dietary needs have changed in the household
  • Planning the garden for 2024
  • Seed Starts
  • Investigating the ability to update the prepper pantry (Not sure if we CAN hang melamine)
  • Basturma

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

Dollar Tree was first. Some of the drink coolers are again completely empty. I think they may still just be trying to assemble their defecation in there, because there are plenty of drinks on shelves. The food coolers are well-stocked, and other aisles look to be in good shape too. Don’t overlook Dollar Tree for cleaning supplies; that area has always been well-stocked. They have a lot of the Awesome branded products, which we really like. Lysol, Ajax, and other name brands are all represented in this section. A buck and a quarter (plus extortion) beats the tar out of typical grocery store prices on these products.

Although we did not go into Home Depot, the online price of a 2x4x8 has gone up, to $3.38, a 13-cent increase.Aldi has had slightly larger crowds the past few weeks. Other than the hiatus with the Masa, they have not had difficulty maintaining stock, and we found everything we wanted. Staple prices were: eggs: $2.78 (+); whole milk: $2.93; heavy cream: $4.69; OJ: $3.29; butter: $3.69; bacon: $4.25; potatoes: $3.99; sugar: $3.09; flour: $2.29; and 80% lean ground beef: $3.99 (+). That egg price is a full dollar higher; if not hand-written, I’d think it was a typo. We didn’t buy eggs this week, so I can’t confirm on our receipt. Although I had heard egg prices might be going higher again, I’ll keep an eye on this one, as that’s a huge jump.

Untainted regular gasoline was $3.699/gallon last week. That’s slightly higher, but could also be a station difference.

Frugality Tip from Margo with an oCool weather, means outside projects. For me one was a painting project. I did some house touch up, and I painted the driveway. My frugality tip is NEVER buy the Cheapest paint roller.  Save yourself paint and energy expended by buying a good roller!!! Ask me how I know. 

Operation Independence

  • Making an egg for sale sign this weekend to FINALLY start the egg business after almost a year of getting ready, starting with the building of the Holler Roost.
  • Sheep Math

Main topic of the Show:  Late Winter Garden bed Preparation

Intentions can help us move toward our best goals and build the life we want to live, rather than continuing to live a life that was developed for us, by someone else. We talk about this a bunch here because the systems in our society increasingly lead toward a life lived in service to the system rather than to ourselves and our chosen communities.

It can be so hard to get people who have been programmed by the system to see the system as the only option on how to break out. Yet when the system fails people, they get scared and start looking for options. And when they start looking for options, if we can be mentors and connectors, a small percentage of those looking for a better life will start to make the changes it takes to get here.

Many of you have heard my story of transitioning from a socialist leaning toward communist to libertarian overnight. <Tell the story>

And that change seems like it just happened and I became the Nicole Sauce you know today, but that is not at all how it happened. I still had habits and programming to bust through. Heck, despite being a thought leader in the world of agorism, I still find programming that I MUST deprogram.

But the Intention to move myself toward true freedom and opt out of the system as much as I can is how I have moved from an urban chick completely unprepared to take care of myself through anything, to a prepared, badd-assed homesteader not afraid to share failures alongside successes because the INSTAGRAM homesteading community often only shows the good side of homesteading and, gorsdurnit, homesteading is heartbreaking, hard, messy, gross and one fo the most rewarding parts of the life I have built for myself.

What does all this have to do with garden prep you ask?

Well, I HAD intentions to get my garden beds put away for the fall, but what really happened is I spoke at a bunch of events and handled a major repair to my home. And it is time for spring planting in Tennessee though we are not in spring for another 3 weeks.

So today I talk about getting your garden ready for spring planting.

Never had a garden there before:

  1. Til vs no til
  2. Raised bed vs in ground
  3. Sod removal
  4. Solarizing or smothering
  5. The role of mulch
  6. What I would do if faced with a grass bed in late February north vs south

Existing garden

  1. Cover crop vs no cover crop over the winter
  2. What you could have done with tarps or cardboard but you did not do
  3. Germination and mulch
  4. Planning what you will plant with your current reality
  5. What I would do now to get ready for spring planting
  6. Biochar, IMF, Lactobacillus, fungi from the woods, synthetic fertilizers, etc

Stephen Raisner:

All in all it is not too late to get your beds ready but you will not do as well as you would have done. However, you can make a HUGE difference this year by simply making some IMF, which you still have time to do, for example. And if you do a bit each weekend between now and planting, you should be in good shape anyway.

So get out there and grow some food guys!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




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Today we talk about rabbit poos systems, a sheep hay sled, more on electric fences, building community and more.

Featured Event:

LFTN Events Calendar:

Self Reliance Through Permaculture:

Marc 2 in Crossville, $25

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Listener Feedback


I’ve been a listener for a couple years now and between you and Tim I finally started a business.  Still getting things moving but I used Joshua at getahostnow and he was great at getting me off the ground with a website (still building it now).  Thank you for being an inspiration for those that want to be free! Jesse

Tattooing Rabbits

You probably know this already, but I thought I would share my experience tattooing rabbits.

If you can get tattoo paste (black is best, in my opinion) that works so much better than other options So here is what did: 

-clean left ear

-use a towel over the head (to prevent bites/scratches)…a lot easier with two people..but otherwise, hold in your arm with rabbit head in your elbow


-wipe any blood

-smear and press tattoo paste into the holes 

-wipe off excess with a slightly damp cloth, check to make sure color in every hole

With characters-we would put the number of the year as last character (so 2024, 4 at the end), and first digit of which doe it came from (so, doe “Aphrodite,” all her descendents started with A) 

And I’d HIGHLY recommend starting pedigree so you can avoid too much incest . The does will become too dumb to take care of babies, or become vicious, or do other dumb things. 

Hope this helps! Also, did you get my email about recirc pump to help with frozen pipes in your house? 

Take care, Kelsey

Parallel fence and power lines especially can interfere with your circuit.

It might be possible, in an Edge Case situation like that, that the grounding rods and salt could combine to form cupric oxide diodes around the ground rods, which will rectify the voltage into the ground (passing DC voltage in one direction and passing it in the other).

Disclaimer: I am not an electrical engineer. I’m a liberal arts grad and math is a distant second language.

Sorry about the sheep. That is rough. Something to “look forward to” (not) at the time we get animals on our place. Best, packradt packradt


  • Dandelion
  • Chick weed
  • Dead nettle
  • Wild garlic


  • No lambs yet – technically due March 1-20
  • Duck jail
  • Duck litter process – do the work of the chickens
  • Duck feeder update
  • LGDs prefer chicken over rabbit but rabbits are easier to raise
  • Wing clipping
  • Laying in the listeria contaminated place


  • Peas are in
  • Beds are in
  • More wood chips needed
  • ¾ of food forest is pruned
  • Want a wood chipper
  • Seedlings not started but seeds chosen
  • Time to re-up the AP system

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Seeking homestead sitter
  • Getting a homestead intern in April
  • Homestead Alliance Meeting Second Sat in March: potluck and seed exchange 1pm-3pm


  • Rabbitery update
  • Sheep Hay sled
  • Solar update


  • Eggs should be for sale shortly, rabbit poop idea

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



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Join me today for a dive into Matt Hundley’s journey from deciding to opt out of the city, acquire a spot of land, and transforming it into an asset instead of a liability. We talk about the sacrifices he made to get this done, as well as personal growth he experienced along the way.

Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast,

Sponsor 2:, Coupon code LFTN gets you $50 off

Connect with Matt, Get Your Trees, Etc!

Main content of the show

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Direct Download

Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and members of our community and beyond about building the life you choose, current events, building a durable life, community development, business, getting started, health and more. 

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,



Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee 


Main content of the show


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 





Direct Download

People always ask me how to build community and today I will talk about the advent of our strong network and how that worked for me as an introvert.

Featured Event: The Freedom Cell Challenge FREE online event on building real community. 

Sponsor 1: Agorist Tax Advice: 

Sponsor 2:

Livestream Schedule

  • Monday Building Community for the Introvert, 2pm
  • Tuesday Freedom Cell Challenge, 11:30am – on Live Free Academy,

    Live With Angery American & John Willis, 12:30pm
  • Wednesday, 2pm Matthew Hudley
  • Thursday, SRF Livestream, 7pm
  • Friday, Homestead Happenings, 9:30am

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • 9 pounds of Beef=12 patties, or is it 6?
  • Freezer Storage and Home Goods Crates
  • Flu Stew From Canned Goods
  • Prepper Pantry Plans and Challenges

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

First stop was Dollar Tree. They’ve finally gotten off their butts and restocked all the drink coolers. The food coolers are also in good shape. Although it’s always hit or miss in there (e.g. no decongestant-only OTC meds), the health aisle is pretty full, if a little messy.

We skipped Home Depot on Saturday and went next to Aldi. The Masa that had been missing for the last two weeks was back in stock. We found everything we wanted. Staple prices were: eggs: $1.78 (-); whole milk: $2.93; heavy cream: $4.69; OJ: $3.29; butter: $3.69; bacon: $4.25; potatoes: $3.99; sugar: $3.09; flour: $2.29; and 80% lean ground beef: $3.59.

Home Depot: The store looked normal-busy to me. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.25.

I went to my regular Weigel’s earlier in the week, and I think the untainted regular was still $3.639/gallon.

Frugality Tip


Operation Independence

Wood chips and garden prep – Spent $50 on seeds

Main topic of the Show: Building Community for the Intervert

  • Why are we talking about this?
  • What are the benefits of a true, strong community?
  • So what is the problem for an introvert?
  • How do you get started
    • Realistic expectations
    • Embrace the uncomfortable
    • Find your tribe/extrovert (Shawn Mills Story)
    • Establish an inner circle or “cabinet”
  • Then what?
    • Host things. Yes at your home. Yes that means letting people into your space.
    • Go to things. Make a goal to meet 3 new people, ask questions
    • Build in recovery time
    • Track connections and form close relationships with people who you align with
    • Be ruthless about doers vs vampires
  • How did it go in Tennessee?
    • Podcast
    • Meetups
    • Shawn Mills @ TSP
    • GSD Crew starts hanging out
    • LFTN Spring Workshop
    • Holler Neighbors
    • Freedom Cell Network, speaking gigs for Nicole
    • TSP and LFTn Communities unite
    • 2020 and content creation, UTG
    • SRF Happens
    • TSP, SOE, LFTN Communities Unite
    • Bear Independent, MWPP, Kentucky Sustainable Living Unite
  • Trouble shooting
    • What if no one shows up? (Do things and show progress)
    • What if I am not good enough? (No one cares)
    • This is awkward. (Yup)
    • What if someone who I trust betrays me? (You gotta cut through some chaff)
    • I dont want to be on a list
    • Gossip

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Direct Download

Today we talk about tragedy on the Homestead, the return of eggs, two people projects and more with theTactical Redneck.

Featured Event: Kentucky Sustainable Living Expo

Sponsor 1: Agorist Tax Advice- FREE webinar!

Sponsor 2:



  • Dead nettle
  • Wild garlic is up
  • Stinging nettle


  • Listeria Problem and what we learned
  • Rabbit Mistake
  • Rooster Reduction
  • Duck Feeder
  • EGGS!
  • Lambing should happen in the next 4 weeks
  • Time to process Cloudy


  • Half the trees trimmed
  • Fertility on the swales
  • Wood Chip Mecca
  • Still have not done seedlings

Harvest meals

  • Crockpot lamb ribs

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Tuesday Crepe Day
  • Neighborhood response to sick sheep


  • Fence update
  • Rabbitery


  • Losing a ram hurts both the heart and the pocketbook

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



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Today I am joined by John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Sonny Puzikas from the Gospel of Violence Podcast to talk about what societal collapse AND RECOVERY looks like. Because most who frame these topics have never been through one, but Sonny has.

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,


Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee 

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

