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Today, I wanted to give you what you were supposed to get on Monday – a walk through of this side hustle life and how, over time, they can lead you to your passion – that is assuming that you are at a place where you are ready to find it.

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Today, I needed a reminder about living my life on my terms, not society’s so we have a replay. We will take a walk through the benefits of simply living. Simply living – as in simply living your life, not letting others live it for you. Why Simply living and not simple living? You gotta listen to find out!

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Today we explore investing in family and what it means to build your dynasty, why that is not a bad thing, as well as who your family should be.

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Today we will talk about the 8 projects you can do to master canning. Because canning is a great way to tap into abundance and enjoy your results all year long. But canning, like any skill, works best as a progression.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

150k sweepstakes ends on Monday – get you shares in and email me to be entered into the drawing.

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Today, we cover some ways to get started in cooking with what you have rather than a recipe.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Cook With What You Have will be available for download on the membership portal on Friday! 

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Today I examine a bad cultural habit we have of demanding that others give up their rights just because we had to give up ours. This is a thought of the walk episode so it is short.

Don’t forget – share my podcast with 2 friends and email me to be entered to win 5 lbs of coffee or a premium membership.

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Today, I have invited the Tactical Redneck to come on the show and talk to us about small motor maintenance for three items: a push lawnmower, a chainsaw, and a weed eater (not the goat).

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Sometimes, we must push back on repugnance, learn or try something new, because if we stop learning – we stop growing. And if you are not growing, atrophy quickly follows.

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Today is a Friday so we have an interview show today and I think you are going to love this one – Especially all of you who have been dabbling in or dreaming of installing your own Aquaponics system! We will hear about Aquaponics on a large scale, lessons learned and how it integrates with a permaculture approach to homesteading from Richard Hasting.

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I got a question in about ducks and it was involved enough that I thought it would make a great Wednesday topic. And indeed, I find it easier to brood ducks on the summer than the early spring, so today we will go through a bunch of stuff, from brooding, to caring for, to why you might want ducks or chickens or chicken over ducks.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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