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Today, I really wanted to step back and take a look at something we do not talk about much here on Living Free in Tennessee – and that is reasons WHY people do not start their businesses. Or rather the top 5 excuses I see people using to not get started. 

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Sherpa Himalayan Salt – 10 pounds

Many a scientific friend has not understood WHY I insist on high quality salt. They scoff at me for using pink salt because the chemical makeup of salt is, well, salt. Yes there is a WORLD of salts with subtle flavors, much like coffee, much like wine.

And every year, I buy 10 pounds of a good Himalayan Salt. That is why I wanted to recommend this product to y’all today. You see, my year is up. It is time for another 10 pounds.

If you hit the grocery store for a small shaker-full of Himalayan salt, you will pay $6, $10, or even $12 for it. It’s crazy when you can but it in bulk, on Amazon, with free shipping.

I’ve loved the Sherpa brand Himalayan salt for several years now and I hope you will too.

Let me know what you think.

~Disclosure: yes, I am an Amazon Affiliate to clicking on the link will result in a small commission for me. Yes I have bought and used this product. Yes, I just ordered another 10 pounds today!

And here is a fun topic for the summer: 3 ways to combat loneliness on the homestead. Because now it is summer. But winter is coming

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Today we talk about canning, jamming, drying and freezing peaches along with tips I have learned over the years to make things go smoother.

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Today I will catch you up on the duck hijinks at the Holler Homestead and talk about mail ordered ducks and the trials and tribulations that can happen with them.

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And the topic I have set up for today is one that people have been asking be to cover for quite some time. 5 ways to make good conversation. You may wonder why the asked me of all people to do this. I mean, I can talk for an hour at a time and it ends up being a podcast – and this narration does not a conversation make.

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Photo of Nicole Sauce's messy kitchen

Originally, I had planned to talk about hand tool maintenance, but then I kept getting lots of questions about tomatoes – like what to do if you get too many, or not enough, or if your salsa is runny, or how to preserve them so I thought, why not talk about one of my favorite topics? Canning tomatoes and other ways to preserve them!

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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I stared and stared at the blank screen today, trying to figure out what to write about. I talked to Autofab and Tactical this morning and nothing specific came out. This almost never happens and the challenge is that what I want to share is something that doesn’t happen much but should. And it has to do with hard work, community, fellowship and forward progress. And I wasn’t sure if it was different enough from my episode on hard work.  

But then 3 pm rolled around and all I had were my usual segments, coffee orders shipped, and a big, blank screen.

So today, you get the story of Basecamp, the cleanup project and the GSD crew.

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What else to talk about in a week where I am processing a bushel of cucumbers than making pickles?! So today, I will talk to you about making pickles a few ways, as well as share a fun relish recipe.

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Hard work. We sometimes underestimate the impact that hard work has on us. And I don;t mean just the hard muscles, but the spiritual benefit of working hard and getting things done. And after you work hard, you play hard right? So today, i thought we would examine that a bit more.

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