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Today, we talk through five things to help you be successful in your transition to self employment if that is the path you choose.

Get your questions in for a variety show!

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Lots of women write to me about this show – glad that I share my successes and failures —often trying to do things that are traditionally handled by men. Today we will talk through home maintenance and the five categories you should check annually to save yourself a world of hurt in the long run. Ryan Steva joins us to talk through five categories to review on your homestead.

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Today, I share my four essential herbs that I like to have on hand in my home apothecary for the winter. 

#HollerHatWednesday: What is the birth number of the child she is visiting?

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Today, we will talk about 3 core motivations that almost everyone has – and what it means in our day to day interactions.

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Today’s podcast is a thought of the walk on rebuilding. Every once in awhile on a walk, I have a thought. Sometimes they are even worth sharing with Y’all!

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Today, we talk through five power outage ideas if you do not have a generator. There are many things you can do to make things a little easier when you lose power.

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Today, I want to review the 6 foundations of Lifestyle Freedom – a list I have been working on for a few months. It started out at 15 and gradually got whittled down to just 6. This is part 1 of a two part series – the second will focus on “how to get there”.

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Today we speak with one of my favorite people, a mentor and friend, Jack Spirko from The Survival Podcast about lifestyle freedom and liberty. I first found Jack years ago while canning tomatoes. I wanted something to listen to while doing this messy job that would not require me to restart the next podcast. I searched for a podcast on wild edible plants and found Jack and I was hooked. Since that time, I have watched in amazement as he manages to mentor hundreds of thousands of people as they develop lifestyle freedom, survival skills, cooking techniques and more.

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Today we have a quick update conversation with Kurt Dugger about his Dark Horse 450 flight (that is 450 miles) with a paramotor across Tennessee. Because the weather is so very important to flight success, Kurt has decided to start tonight in the hopes of beating the rains that may come toward the end of the weekend.

This flight is to raise awareness of the issues facing combat veterans when they return and face the challenge of reintegrating into normal society and he is hoping to raise $6,000 for the Dark Horse Lodge so that they can get closer to completing their retreat for veterans and begin the hosting process.

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Someone asked me to elaborate on something that has always seemed simple to me: Load from the back and take from the front in your pantry. So I got to thinking: most of us are not taught how to manage our pantries and so when we talk about building food stability into your life through developing stores of foods that you actually want to eat, and learning food preservation, it is also worthwhile to discuss pantry management practices. Today, we will cover the 8 basic concepts to bring you to a well-managed pantry.

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