Today, I thought I would talk about something all of us in Tennessee have been doing for a few weeks and that many of you will soon need to do: helping your plants through morning frosts that happen in the spring as the earth embraces spring, gets warm, then spikes down below the freezing point at night. I’ve got 5 things you can do without spending a ton of cash – and these are especially important if you are playing early spring plant roulette as I am.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Today, I want to examine gratitude and how being grateful for what you can do, what you have and what being grateful for others are in your life can do to help you find a pathway toward growth and success – and ultimately build the life you want to live rather than fall back into old habits of living up to everyone else’s expectations.

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We are 3 seats away from being sold out for the Spring Workshop! Read more

Today is Friday so we have a guest interview. When I got to know Jessica Mills, AKA “Dixie” from Homemade Wanderlust, I was impressed with her no nonsense, friendly and empowering approach to everything. She was fun to talk with, eager to share information, and genuinely interested in seeing everyone around her do well. This, paired with her ability to get things done well no matter what, made her a great person to interview. Join me today as I talk with Jessica about building your dream job, establishing a personal brand, backpacking, self-reliance and more!

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Today we run through things to thing through for the transition from winter into spring on the homestead. And not just for the homestead, but really, with a few minor tweaks for any household that is looking toward ongoing, steady management instead of the “on demand” approach to living and lifestyle.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Today, we will talk about My3Things – and more specifically – how to use it to balance your long term success with short term needs. As the group that shares accountability online grows, subtleties are beginning to appear in the approach – as well as some confusion on what #my3things is and how it works. So I will quickly review the basics as well as talk about your long term success strategy and how to build it into your daily and weekly life.

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Because today is a Wednesday, we will be talking about a homesteading topic – and one that is near and dear to many a heart. At the request of Victoria from the LFTN Coffee break group, I thought I would share with you 5 tools that I think every homestead should have – even the off-grid ones. But remember – if you ONLY can have 5 tools on your homestead, these are not they. Rather – these are 5 I truly wanted to highlight and each for a different reason.

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Guys, I had one hell of a day today – and mostly not in a good way. By 5pm, I still was unable to record the show. It is rare that so much bad stuff comes up that I cannot record, but it happened today. So a close couple of friends asked me: “Why not do a replay?” And I thought about it and realize this: I NEEDED to re-listen to “Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life,” so why not do a replay of that episode for all. We all have weird, yucky stuff happen from time to time – and it is a good reminder to make what you can of it when it does.

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Today, we have a fantastic guest and a fantastic topic. Sue Zoldak founder of The Zoldak Agency joins us to talk about setting up your business for success. Sue started her own ad agency in 2016 due to…client request. She has since gone 36 months without a corporate paycheck. She is also the founder of a networking group she started with 40 friends and now, 5 years later, is 1,400 people deep and one of the most well known in her industry. She is an adjunct professor in digital strategy at George Washington University.

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It is the first Wednesday in March so we should be doing a new topic, but I feel like plants got the shrift last month with those 3 missing days, so we are doing the second in a two part series on 8 plants to grow in your yard or on your homestead. Today I will share with you the final four plants.

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If you don’t know who the TN GSD crew is, they are a group of friends who sometimes get together at one place or another and help kickstart a project. They’ve done site visits, plans, aquaponics builds, a composting toilet and had lots of fun along the way doing it. So what makes this community different? We will talk about that in today’s show as well as ways you can start developing your own community — or finding one like it.

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