Today, we walk through something we have never really discussed on the podcast: Easy to Bake Bread via a process I learned from Geraldine Duncan – one of my early in life influencers and inspirers – the lady who showed me not to fear taking on big tasks in the kitchen. 

We will also walk through some homestead hijinks as this week has been crazy and when it is crazy on the homestead, your animals can sense something is up and I SWEAR they become crazy themselves. Or spring is in the air – either way.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Today we go back to one of our core topics to cheer myself up: Making tasty food. Also, we are precooking much of the food for the Spring Workshop right now so the house smells amazing. I dearly hope you enjoy this food-based episode!

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Today is Friday so we have a Thought of the Walk episode. This is a short show where I talk through an idea I had while walking with my dogs, or sitting around the fire. American ingenuity is one thing that has made our economy grow despite all the fetters instilled upon it by government. It has lead to breakthroughs. But are we losing it?

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And you know what Wednesday – er I mean Thursday means: We have a homestead focused episode today and I thought it was about time to have the second in our cheese series. Why? Because last week, I was on the road and one of my favorite things to do to eat well is to make a plate with veggies, pickled things hard yummy cheeses and meats in place of a heavy dinner meal. This is even more fun when you can grab a nice cheddar you have been aging and add some slices of that to the mix.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Today we have a replay episode. The cement pad has been poured and people are still on site putting in the final touches on it and I am just dying to have a DANCE PARTY. But the episode on making hard cheeses is a bit much to jump into at this late hour, so I bring you a replay of an episode from one year ago. We were getting ready for the first spring workshop ever. I got completely publicly reamed by someone in a board meeting in a very inappropriate way. And it got me to thinking about ways to deescalate tense situations. Something we can all use a reminder about, right?

SO, enjoy the episode formerly knows as 76.

Make it a Great Week!

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Today we have an update from the Holler Homestead on how things are progressing here. The first quarter is over and it is a good time to assess how 2019 plan is unraveling, look over the land before things get too overgrown, and make sure our focus is in the right place for long term success. So I will walk through the coffee, the podcast, the consulting and the paper – as well as check in on the progress of our developing homestead.

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Today is Friday and that means we have a guest interview and today is another great one. We will hear from Salima Singletary about designing a life you want to live, specifically how she has set things up to be the way she and her husband wish to live in the long term — and along the way she has learned skills, started a new business, and generally had fun adventures.

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Travel teaches some great lessons that apply to normal home life and side hustle living. Today, I will talk through 6 things that occurred to me this week.

2 tickets left for the spring workshop!

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Today is Friday so it is a Thought of the Walk day and I got a little weird this week. I started thinking about social networks, censorship and the Bonfire of the Vanities. So we will discuss how social networks are behaving much like Friar Savonarola’s rein of terror is mich like what is starting to happen now on what have become major publishing platforms.

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From Josh at


This is NOT in order of importance.
1. Install SSL security license (I give you one for free.)
2. Keep your WordPress website version up to date
3. Keep your plugins up to date (remove and replace ones that are not supported or compatible with your WP version)
4. Keep your Theme up to date
5. Backups, and more backups. OFF SERVER. The Updraft Plus plugin will let you connect to Google Drive (15 GB of storage!) When you log into WP, do a backup, afetr you make changes, do a backup. Always pays to be safe.
6. Make all passwords STRONG and update them a couple times per year to be safe. (cPanel Pass and WP pass)
7. Install Security plugins: Wordfence (a WP firewall) and Sucuri (hardens the site, and monitors all changes) or something comparable. THe settigns can be a bit challengins, but its not impossible to configure. I can advise/consult with you privately if needed as there are a lot of settings.
8. Do not store Credit Card, Social Security on your site if you can possibly avoid it!

Any thing that seems weird or unusual that might indicate a hack – IMMEDIATE call your web host.

Now what you are really probably wondering…


Based on cleanup article:
Your web host is the first person/company that can offer assistance after an attack. A great web host will go into lock-down mode until the problem is resolved.

IMPORTANT TOOL: Sucuri Site Scanner (FREE!) – is a free site scanner tool, the results of the scan can be linked to, so once one your domain test clean, save that URL.
Assuming you or your webhost has already changed your passwords to prevent bad guys from logging in, and that your site is scanning as clean, these tips should help if your site was blacklisted.

IMPORTANT TOOL: Blacklist (email) checker –

1.) Google:
This is where webmaster register their domain and verify that they own it. (Requires a meta tag or a html file they give you uploaded to your root folder) It is the BEST way to inform Google that a compromised site is now clean. Make sure to provide the link to the Sucuri scan show the domain is clean. can take up to 72 hours.

2.) Norton: (requires a verification file or meta tag added to site)
Anti-virus company who maintains their own blacklist.

3.) McAfee:
You may request also request that McAfee Review of domain – link to your Sucuri scan results when requesting review (as proof)

4.) ESET Removal (if needed, Sucuri site scan will tell you): Manually request removal with proof
Anti-virus company who maintains their own blacklist.

Requires Cpanel. When adding a TXT record to DNS, the domain is written:
The code they tell you to paste in (“enter text” area) MUST be in quotes
our web host can always help with this.

6.) Request help if emails with your site links get blocked at this Google Forum:!forum/gmail use (as proof)

Another useful tool if you are analysing the IP addresses of who is visiting your website…

REVERSE IP to find where unusual site visitors are from: