Nothing Fancy

Here’s a very simple dessert that tastes as if Great-Grandma made it – as she may have!

Butterscotch Dessert

4 – 6 servings


3/4 cup brown sugar, divided
3 TBSP cornstarch or thickener you prefer
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups milk
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 egg whites
2 TBSP butter
1 tsp vanilla

Combine 1/2 cup brown sugar, cornstarch, and salt in the upper unit of a double boiler.

Add milk slowly and blend well.

Cook over hot water until thickened.

Stir a small amount of the hot mixture into the well-beaten egg yolks, then add this to the rest of the hot mixture. Cook 1 minute.

Remove from the heat; add butter and vanilla; let cool.

Whip egg whites and 1/4 cup brown sugar until stiff. Fold into the custard.

Serve chilled or barely warm with whipped cream, if you like.

If you don’t have a dedicated double boiler, fear not: nest a smaller pan or heat-resistant bowl in a larger pot that contains a few inches of water.