
Yes You Can With #My3Things – EP 919

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Today, we have a replay of the speech I gave at the Exit and Build Land Summit

Featured Event: Joel Salatin Webinar TOMORROW

Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/Webinar

Sponsor 2: EMPShield.com COUPON CODE LFTN

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Not much coming off the garden this year yet so we are not canning
  • Preparing easily reheatable meals for the coming weeks of commuting to California

Weekly Shopping Report

This week’s trip started with Hobby Lobby. The store looked normal overall, with the usual assortment of craft items and dust collectors, but there were empty hooks here and there; finding something specific you want may not be a sure thing.

Next stop was Home Depot. They still have a lot of cordless tools from the recent Fathers’ Day deals, but selections are dropping. A 2x4x8 is unchanged from last week, at $3.48. They also have a LOT of solar yard lights, much better than the cheapies you find in dollar stores or even in China-mart. These are potentially good power failure lights or inside guide-lights; put them out to charge during the day, and bring them in at night. Regular batteries also remain in very good supply.

Aldi was last. Produce quality remains a little erratic, but quantities are still good. We found everything we wanted, although there was little pork, and some prices have edged higher once more. Staple prices were: bread (20 oz. white): 1.35 (+); eggs: $1.78 (+); whole milk: $2.83; heavy cream: $5.39 (+); OJ: $3.29; butter: $3.59; bacon: $3.99; potatoes: $4.49; sugar: $2.99; flour: $2.35; and 80% lean ground beef: $3.79.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.599.

Frugality Tip from Margo

We did a week long road trip around Self Reliance Festival. Two nights with family, one night with friends and 4 nights in a fantastic little cabin in the woods. I packed half our cooler with frozen meat when we left the house. I grilled and cooked at the cabin. We did not NEED to spend any money on eating out the whole week. (We did choose to support the food vendors at SRF because they were there).  So if you are on the fence about the expenses involved in traveling, you can save a lot money buy bringing your own food. The couple of months before we left I grabbed a bag of nuts here, some other snacks there and had a bag of food ready to go when we left the house. With Airbnb we paid for the cabin in installments and it was paid for before we got there. With a little creative planning you can have a week long vacation with little expenses spread out over time. 

Also stashed cash for months and came home with enough cash to cover the gas and misc bills that we incurred on the trip. 

So take the trip to find your tribe!!


Operation Independence

Wholesale adjustments on the homestead

Main topic of the Show: Nicole’s Speech at the Exit and Build Land Summit

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

